I think this deck will do great in the new meta with the hunter getting a buff that allows him to hit all the targets at point blank range. He is fairly underrated still but he is great at shutting down tanks but you do need to defend him fairly well. With this deck you have a couple options depending what your opponent is playing. If they’re running a deck with inferno dragon or tower and can use this deck as a miner chip. If they’re playing a deck with a few swarm units which makes it hard you get the miner to connect to the tower then you can run it as a giant beat down. You also have three spells in this deck which makes it extremely strong against bait decks and three musketeers. A deck you might struggle against in lava loon so if you’re up against this try to pressure the opposite lane when they drop their lava hound but keep your mega minion and hunter in hand, try to kill the balloon first the lava hound will do minimal damage on its own so you can ignore it to kill the balloon before it pops.
Miner can be used against elixir pumps which will mean you’ll have fireball in hand to deal with their three musketeers if they’re running them. You can also use him to get chip damage on the tower or use him in the opposite lane to your giant if you want to split lane push. He’s also great at dealing with the princess
This guy is your tank killer try to protect him because his HP means he can be killed fairly easily especially now lightening is back in the meta so try to play him away from your tower.
This card is your main win condition you want to be able to get him to their tower so he can get good damage, make sure you support him but be careful not to over commit. He can also be used to kite units like pekka and charging princes’
Early Stage Gameplan
With this deck I prefer for the opponent to make the first move if they play elixir collector you can send in your miner. If they play a heavy tank you can pressure the opposite lane. It’s important to try and figure out what they’re playing so you know what they have to counter your cards and what cards you have to counter their cards. Try to make positive trades throughout single elixir then you can hopefully go in with one big monster push in double elixir.
Late Stage Gameplan
You should now have a good understand of your opponents deck and their play style. If you’re ahead on elixir try to make prediction plays if they’ve been playing fairly repetitively during single elixir. For a giant deck you can cycle fairly quickly, don’t be afraid of using your spells because you have plenty in this deck! You can also use zap to retarget their tower onto you miner to tank for your giant. Good luck running this deck every
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